Wing King

I like chicken wings. You may disagree with me, but I like chicken wings. I find them pleasant in taste and texture, and the amount of variety in these little morsels is incredible. I know a lot of wing restaraunts are unhealthy, so I only eat chicken wings on occasion. But not anymore. Not after that.... THING emerged.
Out of all the places to get wings in New Nuork, I loved the Frycade the best. For one thing, they had video games. Not just cheap arcade games, but they had 3 Wii consoles in their arcade room. The games included Mario Kart, a port of Majora's Mask, and Godzilla: Monster of Monsters(This was an ....interesting copy of the game, but it doesn't factor in to our story). 
One day, while I was eating at the Frycade, I noticed something ...unusual. Cartoonish decorations of chickens adorned the walls. Some of the chickens were missing heads and limbs, and others had too many, and in abnormal places. Beneath all of the cartoon chickens were anagrams of words. Here are some I managed to figure out:
NIGW KGIN= Wing King
REFO DEFO= Free Food
PIW NERZIS= Win Prizes.
When I asked a waitress what this meant, she looked at me with glassy, cold eyes, like those of a fish. Or like those of a chicken. She clicked her teeth together, and answered "Wing King is coming. Come on happy hour for free wings and prizes. Wing King is coming." Thinking Wing King was a new mascot for the Frycade, I was excited. But this didn't explain the macabre decorations. The Frycade was usually child-friendly(I was a preteen at the time), so why did they go this direction? I decided to sleep on it until Wednesday, which was happy hour at the Frycade.
The day of the Wing King's arrival soon came. After school, I forgoed my normal route and went directly to the Frycade. Homework would have to wait. I arrived at 3:58. Two minutes before the revalation of the Wing King. The stafff of the Frycade were forming a line, similar to a squadron of guards in formation to protect royalty. A black limo was parked in the driveway. The employees started chanting "He is here. Hail the Wing King. He is here." The door from the limo swung open, and out stepped the most horrible thing I have ever seen.
A massive blob of chicken flesh, covered in spines, undulated towards the restaraunt. A mechanical head and neck poked out from the top of the blob. The monster was armed with various cooking utensils, and was supported by a motorized cart. The abomination began rolling slowly towards me, smoke exuding from its metal beak. I could see that the prhase "Wing King" was spelled out on an apron the abomination was wearing.
The Wing King stopped, extended its head towards me, and spoke in a raspy voice "Do you want some chicken wings?"